Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What the F is Bud Poliquin talking about?

Let's play a little game. Each week, I'll post a sentence or paragraph from a Bud Poliquin column on If you're not familiar with his handywork, here's a solid example from a few years back. It's not hard to find good material with this man, trust me.

Anyways, here's the question: If anyone is actually reading the blog, try to come up with what the F Bud is talking about here and post it in the comments section (Note: you can cheat by looking for the story and figuring out the context, but what fun is that?).

If we get enough people playing along, maybe we'll give out some prizes at some point, so tell your friends. Maybe you'll win a sweet Syracuse Orangemen (yes, it says "Orangemen" in the ad) throw blanket. Is that something you might be interested in? But I digress ...

"Forget, in order, how the shoe, horse, rider, battle and kingdom were lost for want of a nail."

You can't make this stuff up.

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